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Writer's picture: OlajumokeOlajumoke

Long time no post (🙈🙊)

My subject somewhat gives a brief of what happened in between the previous post and this. The past days in the month of August were wonderful, I had what I call ‘a major transition’ and I expect more after all, a constant thing in life is change and life’s changes are inevitable.

Transitioning whether desired or not, anticipated or unexpected, requires some level of mental or physical energy to adapt to a new set of circumstances and find a new equilibrium. So, I’ll be sharing some snippets of the lessons I learnt during this period;

1. Most times, you KNOW when it’s time for a change:

As much as some transitions are sudden, the ‘knowing’ in my thoughts, mean recognizing the phase. In my own thoughts, if you are sensitive to the seasons of your life (through the help of the Holy Spirit), you will know when it is time for a move/change/transition. This knowledge helps you with preparation and helps to keep your mind set for whatever challenge(s) that may come with the transitioning period. Understanding the times and seasons of your life helps a great deal.

Knowing however requires a connection with the one who knows and is able to give you the required understanding.

2. Making plans and having expectation(s) help:

I have been one indisciplined person with making plans but my fear of ending up in a lower/worse position usually spurs me to having expectation(s) of my next phase which eventually in turn helps me with the plans making. It is advisable to have plans for or expectations (in the minimum) of the next phase you are transitioning into.

3. Tap into your network:

Recognize the people who form your support network and embrace them. Why do this alone when God has blessed you with people who will gladly help you through the transitioning .

phase. I have support networks and even for the just concluded phase, I had friends who literarily ‘carried my matter on their head’ and went out of their way to pamper me through it. Be sensitive enough to identify them, they will come around, with solutions, comfort, support, help and morale. Hold on to them.

4. Embrace your present as much as you look forward to the new phase:

Embrace and enjoy what you have now, where you are now and the people you have now.

5. Don’t underestimate the power of self care:

Some transitioning process can take a toll on you if you do not take care of yourself. It was in this my transitioning phase that I had my first spa party, first professional massage session, ‘mindfulness’ class, and a lot of other fun stuffs. These activities surely helped in relieving the stress I was going through. Don’t be too hard on yourself honey, be kind to you and take care of YOU.

6. Just TRUST:

Trust God, trust His plans, trust the process, trust the destination. Just relax and trust, things will turn out better just keep your expectations and turn it over to Him who is able to exceed your thoughts, desires, expectations, dreams and hopes.

7. Pray until you travail and even after you have:

Of course, I do not know what we all are transitioning to or from but I pray for the required strength, understanding, love and people to help us through it successfully.

Don’t forget to enjoy every phase (never lose focus too) because whether you do or not, life will not cease to be in phases.

I’ll love to read one or two of the lesson(s) learnt during a phase of transitioning you have been through, the comment box is actually yours☺

New post coming sooner 😊, until then, stay connected and start placing your orders for the beautiful denim blouse from my brand, Helen Woman 😉


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